Doing silly little things that make sense in my silly little brain :]
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Hachi @Hachinokaby

Age 26, DUDE



Joined on 2/2/15

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Ask your friends first (New Years Thoughts)

Posted by Hachinokaby - January 2nd, 2023


Me end of year thoughts, start of a new year thoughts, appreciate friends, think back about stuff, being weird and myself here!

aka me venting, saying stuff about people i care for and other stuff LOL


art by @wik_wav on twitter!

Now Playing - dattebayo

Me Thoughts

I do not have a lot of things inside my head lately, or right now, or ever to be quiet honest, but really i think this has to be (2022) my last year where i just do nothing other than exist, I have to try to be someone, something at least, either for the worst or for the better, it may not be a lot i think because, i started to not pay attention to all the horrible thoughts i have daily, i used to use my tumblr for that, but even after months or years of looking back and looking at my old post, i dont really think it did nothing other than cultivate these thoughts further in my head, thinking more about them, putting them out there, letting them out, it just made them real and it just made them keep coming and coming, but now, thanks to people in my life, i don't really have a lot of them anymore, i just don't have things in my head i want to put out, just, i want to experience things more than think about doing it, or something like that you know haha!

As much as my brain doesn't retain information, experiences or things that happen in my life, either because i just don't really think too much about it, or because i overthink about other things that i just don't pay attention to some other things, BUT, i think a lot of stuff has happened in the last 2 years, a lot more happened before that, and things i already come to accept from my childhood that i accept it happened and i just have to move on from them now!

From my favorite game having a great sequel, to finding new music that i adore now, to being able to open up more to some of the nicest and coolest fucking people i have ever met in my silly life, to somehow helping my family heal and get closer (even tho I'm not part of it by choice), to understanding more things about myself and just how things in life work and being able to do things and feel things I really never thought i would experience, to kinda really enjoying having to wake up every day even when i don't do much things but the little things i do i enjoy doing, to one way or another try to help others more and having to understand that if i want to help others and care about others i have to also care about and help myself!

I still have problems, i still don't have a family or people in real life that i know i can ask for help, i still have to work on myself and my self esteem and be more comfortable with my own body and try to normalize my thoughts and not let so much things i overthink about to control my thoughts and experiences, eventually i think if i don't solve these things by myself ill have to try to find help outside of my control , but for now!!! for now ill do my best to work on these things, i can probably do it, and if i do do it it will be really cool that i did them by myself not gonna lie !

I have to work on a lot of things, i have a lot of stuff on my mind every day, as much as i dont do a lot of things every day, i think too much and worry about a lot of things that are out of my control, i worry too much about doing the wrong things and making the same mistakes, doing things that lost me friends i care about, not saying enough to them, not being able to open up, either because i didn't felt like bothering or because i just couldn't deal with the guilt of telling others these problems without solutions and having to put these things onto them, which if i could talk more and be more open and trust and not worry too much, maybe a lot of things would have gone differently , but i just have to try and live with my decisions!

i probably have more things, i dont know if you can edit these things but ill just do another one if i have more things to say but i dont know really heheheh

Now Playing - To Be Alive



I want to say things I probably already said to them

or just say I really appreciate them LOL


Without Lemm I wouldn't have met a lot of people that mean a lot to me, i wouldn't have the confidence in myself i have today and have a better self esteem, also be just happy to express myself more, have friends that are super nice and kind, where i have fun and can be myself around them without fear of being weird or not fitting in, being myself is weird but weird is cool and fun and they just make every day worth living, all thanks to lemm, my friend! my close and dearest friend ever that i would do anything for, cross the whole ocean, defeat anything and anyone for and they deserve the whole world and more, as much as i can be really annoying its great to be able to tell them anything, tell them how much they mean to me, what happened in my day, hows things going on, tell them about this funny thing xQc did today on stream, show them a nice song, a cool or funny video, a really terrible meme, or just say awoooo on the morning! love ya so much lemm and i hope to keep being there for you as much as you are there for me!!!

quib (mellow)

a friend from years ago! i never forget how supportive and nice and cool mellow always were and is with my music, i could do a silly remix of a song i like and they would always be there to say something nice about it, it helped a lot back then and it still helps today, ill never forget about it, their support meant the world to me back then and its still amazing how nice they always are when we get to talk, that they checked on me from time to time, something i deeply appreciate, not a lot of people did that and it meant a lot to me that they thought about me, hope everything goes well for them and i wish to keep being their friend for more years!!!


they're really cool! i think i followed them because of really cool overwatch art and they have always been really nice and fun to interact with, and its really fun to reply to their tweets or share them overwatch related things or dumb memes or anything really! i always thought it was cool that they followed me back and i really appreciate how energetic and fun they are it really makes me want to also be all out and express myself like a silly little creature, theyre great!!


a friend from years ago too, i have a lot of great memories with them, playing my favorite game with them, talking about stuff back then, being able to express and vent with them, a lot of things they did for me i still hold close to me, even if we dont talk a lot lately, i still appreciate them a lot and have very nice memories, being able to still be myself with them is just very dang cool, i think about them and hope to talk more with and i wish the best for them and hope that they are doing great!!!

K O (Jho)

theyre an incredible artist, it still something i cant believe someone whos super skilled, nice and kind is my friend, even if we hang out and visit and play games together, i still have a lot to know about them, i think its really cool that no matter how much time passes i can hang out with them and it would be like no time passed, i wish to support them more and hope that soon they get more recognition for their incredible work!!!

Conpu (cookie)

the cool cookie its really nice that theyre super nice to me, always very welcoming and really bounce back with the dumb things i say, i like that they like some of the songs i like, like i like it like theyre like that! im really glad that theyre my friend, and any time i say some dumb things they either up it or say the most coherent and sane thing ever, like the most pure thing ever, a really nice person, i wish the best for them and i am very appreciate them a lot :]!!!


great friend i appreciate them a lot i really enjoy the music they make all the unique sounds and the amazing art they make, theyre really cool its one of those things that you cant believe such a cool person is a friend of yours, i hope they get more recognition with their work, from the art to their music, so much love put into each one, i take a lot from it and i just hope to one day make such things just like them, i really like the photos they take and i hope to get to support them even more!!!


its really cool how i could share any song i was listening to with them, i still can and they are just as nice as the first time we talked, i really enjoy their new music friday they do, its really cool to find new music from them, and i personally love music a lot so it means a lot to me that i can share music with them, its really cool and theyre really cool and always kind, appreciate them a lot that i can share this thing i love with them, i hope to share even more music with them!!!


theyre super cool, War has always been super kind, its really weird to me i am not used to someone being like that to me literally no time from meeting them, i like their art, their streams, i super appreciate how much support they give to other people, its really nice to see someone being so out there for other people and always sharing others work, its really cool, i hope to match their energy of being such a supportive person and always doing their best, ill be just as supportive of them as they are for others, from their art to streams to just a really nice person, i know theyre a mutual but i think of them as a friend!


this guy its so cool i just think its one of the coolest thing ever that no matter how many accs they have they always remember to add me again and theyre a great artist i really enjoy their work so much and how funny they are and kind, its a thing i just get really happy thinking about, mf always there and whenever we interact theyre super nice and cool and i just never know what i did to have such a cool person being nice to me every time, oh well a friend!!

Aris Maru

the oldest friend i think i have, we were friends in school and they were the kindest of all of my classroom, always letting me hang out with them and i have some drawings they did for me back them still with me!! i appreciate them a lot, like a lot lot, always being super nice, always welcoming me in their home, going out to cons with them, theyre a great artist too, a really super cool artist, their art is just insane! i cant believe they dont have way more recognition out there, i always wish to be way more supportive to them, i always hope the best for them and that soon they get more eyes on them, they absolutely deserve everything, i always have a lot to think where i could help them more, they gifted me a bag for my birthday some years ago and i never leave my home without it, i just couldnt believe they thought about me and wanted to get me something, even when we dont talk a lot and some time passes, i always think about them, always hope they are alright, and wish i could be there for them even more, hope for this year to be there more and that it goes super well for them!!!

The air is my head

dont know what i did that they followed me, but theyre super fucking funny and always so cool, i like the pictures they take and how theyre always like no time passed when they reply to my dumb tweets or i reply to one of them, they just make my day when i see them on the timeline, either tweeting something completely out of this world, or taking a picture in a really cool place, makes me happy to know such a cool person is there when i tweet the absolute dumbest thing ever, the best feeling ever!!


really nice person, from the xqcowupdates server, always being funny, spamming emotes that i spam, checking on me with my addiction of ow, looking up and down, being an absolute fruity chad, they make my stay in the server really nice, being there and always knowing my dumb ass things i say theyre just gonna match it and be so cool about it, its a person everyone would love to meet if they were going into a new server, welcoming and kind, i hope they have an amazing year and that they still look up with me :] :lookUp:

Yasiin Clemens

i cant believe they wanted me to be in one of their songs, even more that it was singing, i hate my voice but holy damn the confidence boost i got from being in one of their songs, even listening to their new album was insane, an incredible musician and singer, i cant believe they trusted me to be there, its literally a thing i will never forget about, ill tell my grandchildren about this, ill save their music and show it to the kids of my kids, they absolutely fucking cool, and super nice to me whenever i talked with them!!!


a really cool friend, great smash player, always one step ahead of me, the most fun i have had playing smash is with him, i really hope to know him more and be there for him more, some of the things he did for me are always on my mind, are things i have treasured on my lil heart, i hope that soon he gets to share his work more and more people recognize his really incredible art, also a nice friend, i wish i could do more to support him with his work or just playing more games with him, he puts so much effort into the games he likes and i think if the had the opportunity he would do incredible in any fighting game he had passion about!

Shady Monk

dont knoww what i did to deserve them following me back, i was always in awe of their work, all the things they do, it really inspires me to want to make more and better things, and theyre always so nice whenever we interact, it just like if we knew each other, maybe thats a thing that people do meeting new people or its normal but to me it means a lot that they are always kind, i just cant believe someone so skilled and talented with so much creativity thinks im probably cool enough to follow, it really makes my day!


idk what can i say that anyone else has already said about Stepford, i dont even know what i did that made them want to follow me, i just really always liked their work, how much love they put into the games they make, the really beautiful character they have, always being super nice to everyone, you dont really see it in the world, someone putting so much effort, love and passion into each work, its really inspirational, i just can dream to make a fraction of the things they create, its just really cool to know such a kind and cool person follows me back on a silly social media, it might be dumb to see it that way but it really just means a lot to me, ill for sure do things that some day would be as cool as the things they make, its very cool to just share cat memes or some character art i think they would like, everyone probably already does it but i will keep on supporting them as long as i am alive because you dont see someone doing things they love every day, its just a one of a kind person, i appreciate them a lot!


theyre cool, always fun to interact and its just really ncie to see them in the timeline, or seeing their work pop out, always really nice id say to everyone but its just so cool that also they probably think im also cool and just followed this silly guy because! i just think its great, i am always excited to see them tweet whatever to talk with them or say something dumb and having a laugh with them, they make being online a really good experience, hopefully too they get more recognition for their work, funny, cool, great artist, great person, i wish the best for them and hope that im just as cool long enough to always be there and match their energy for years to come!


im always surprised to see someone whos so skilled watch the same degen streamer i watch, which is dumb to think about because he has a lot of viewers so some of them is gonna be a talented person or rreally skilled in their own work, but its super nice to be able to talk about this degen with them, theyre super nice and always dealing with whatever i say, sharing this one guy that looks this one streamer, talking about this guy i watch a lot, like the person you wish was there when you like something and you want to share about and you know they also like this thing and its just so cool being able to share the things i want to share about this guy with them, also their art is absoluitely insane, theyre so good at it, i hope too to support them more and see their work explode more on the web and getting the support they deserve!

That Chipspace Guy (thatandyguy)

i think theyre super cool, always making beats, their music is incredible, looking clean and stylish, being nice and cool, cant think of what i did to be a mutual, i just really enjoyed their work they shared on the twit, i think more was those bandcamp friday streams, finding new music, buying new music and finding a lot of stuff i wouldve never heard of without them doing this, always being so supportive and kind, with a really great smile, they sure make my day when they reply to one of my silly tweets :]]

Row row, capybara (floopy)

theyre always super nice, making really beautiful music and being chill and cool, it means a lot that someone with so much skill making bangers followed me, i really enjoy how passionate they are about the things they like, capybaras, samus, that one grande remix they did i play it more than the og song ngl, theyre a really nice person i enjoy a lot to interact with, its really nice seeing them reply to me and its great listening to their songs, underrated and deserve more love!

Rose Foster

Rose is amazing, it was insane meeting them, i just thought the icon of the poorly aged acc was really cool and it was just nice that they had the artist on their bio, it was unbelievable that they didn't had a lot of followers with how great their art is, then i found they also make music and are from the same country as me, like it was so cool how someone with so much skill and so creative and funny and cool and all that made such great things and didnt had a bunch of recognition, i absolutely adore their music so much, like ive never had a good view in music made from my country, with how saturated it is with the same stuff, how much they gatekeep artist and voices, you rarely see new artist, usually are very underground, id say Rose is underground but man i wish with all my being that they were more recognized, even more here in my country, ill always will try to share their work around as much as i can, going to local radios to share their work, getting the voice out, because i am just so proud of them, their skill and hard work wont go unnoticed, i cant believe someone like them is my friend, and i hope to keep being there for them for more years and always support their work!


they have a really cool dog, i think its like one of the most unique dogs ive ever seen, very much a lot of personality, perfectly for them, they are also really cool and nice, and illegally funny, i just love how they will always come up with something that will always make me laugh so much, i can share about anything with them and i know they will always probably already seen it, its really nice to have someone like them in my life, i watch a lot of stuff online and being able to share it with someone is the bestfeeling ever, also their music is insane, like very jco and very unique and i just enjoy listening to it a lot :]]]]


very incredible cool artist that i met from watching xQc, i really like how they draw, their style is so unique, the expressions, the way they draw eyes, the colors dang!, everything about its just candy for my eyes, also just as cool as ever, i really adore one work they did of my boy, its really close to my heart, its just one of the coolest styles hes ever been, and i just hope to keep on sharing their work more, they deserve a lot more attention, its amazing to have a really cool mutual :]

Seras Lynna

friend from years ago too, always nice, open to anything, understanding, really good taste in women, i think they work too hard, going to school and working can be very tiring, but theyre always either studying or working, its really like, its one of the things that push me to work harder, if queen can i can absolutely too! i really appreciate them, they checked on me from time to time and that will always mean a lot to me, its even more amazing that we're still friends after many years, i appreaciate their friendship a lot, i hope to keep being there for them, they make great art, it feels very passionate, their characters are so cool and ill try even more to support them more the years to come!


dont know what i did for them to follow me they are an incredible artist, they have always been very funny and cool, its always really cool to see them on my timeline talking about anything, ill just reply with anything and they always know what to say, its just really cool, i wish only the best for them, life hasnt been the nicest to them but i hope things always get better and ill try to be there for them :]


i couldnt believe they followed me, like they are always so nice, really funny, i aspire to be as funny and entertaining as them, they have always been really nice when i interact with them, i really appreciate it, i dont talk about it a lot or at all but they have really been helping in me really accepting my own body and feeling comfortable with it, it just so rare to see someone so comfortable to be themselves out there, i wish i could be like them, i feel good with myself i wish i could also be as funny and just do things i like without worrying about anything, its just that thing you dont have a word for, its so cool theyre amazing, i hope to one day or soon to be comfortable with myself that i can do the things they do and be as entertaining like them, making others happy and laugh, they sure do that, and they do an incredible job at it, i wish only the best for them :]


Midu is amazing, one of the only people i have met that i can share my love for one of my favorite game, it was always so cool to share fanart of it with them years ago, always really excited about it and really cool, theyve always been super nice to me, i just found their work with one of their fanarts and i told them that and that i really enjoyed their work, dont know what i did that they also followed me back, but its really cool that ever since then they have always been just as nice as the first time we interacted, i know i can trust them, im glad their work gets more recognition, the amount of work and love they put into each new work its amazing, i hope that they keep growing and get more attention for the great things they make, and that we get to be friends for even more years, i appreciate them so much!!

九yu (kyu)

theyve always been really kind, the times we interacted are always really nice, theyre super skilled and make beautiful art, for me its really not common to know people like them, really nice and kind even when it was just me appreciating their work, i hope to keep on supporting their work, its really amazing the games they worked on, i hope they get to work on more games like that and bring something really cool to the world, im really glad and i appreciate them a lot :]]


Valley is amazing, really supportive in times i thought i was just by myself, they were there in weird moments of my life, and have always been super nice, even if a time passes they area always just as nice as ever, always studying or filling a sketch page full of great work, i really like their art! this one time i had to take my 4 wisdom teeth all in day i was just feeling very not good and they were there that time, even did a little drawing about it, i still think about it a lot, i try to take care of my teeth a lot because that moment meant a lot to me, hopefully i dont have to go thru that again, dont like to worry others about it, but its nice to know they would be there :]

Dumb cat (cat!)

Cat is the coolest cat ive met on all my time on twitter, still cant believe they followed me, they have a creativity that goes to their art, super unique and cool, the way they draw is just so nice and really fun to look at, i really enjoy watching them play games on stream and they have a really nice voice, and their creativity goes also to them being super funny, i can just say anything that comes out of my brain and they would literally do the same, like you would think its impossible to meet someone who matches your energy, they always have a headache and i would do anything so that they wouldnt have such bad things happening to them, i hope things always go well for them and hope to support them more with their work, i appreciate them a lot :]]]!!!

Devil Rabbit

theyre an artist i met in a convention years ago, i just enjoy going to cons and supporting local artist, and i always saw them in almost every con, sometimes i always took my cousin with me just to go see them and get something that they were selling, or id just look out for things they make to buy for my cousins, their art is incredible, really unique and id be proud to wear it everyone, to have it as a pin or sticker on me everywhere i go, its always nice checking on their post and seeing what new con they will be going, or others they share about, theyre amazing and i hope to keep supporting them even more this year and the years to come!



Now Playing - Merry Christmas To You


idk, I'll try to actually live, I will appreciate my friends more and be a better person for others and for myself, clean my room more often, wash my clothes and bed sheets more regularly, try to eat more, drink more water, take care of me, just be a human and make mistakes and learn from them :]

yes I will watch more xQc, it is weird how I get a lot of motivation to do things only when he is streaming, which it is probably bad! but as long as it keeps working, I'll enjoy his content even more, I'll disable my adblocker sometimes for him, also hope to be able to talk about my interest a lot more with people that I know would just be there to listen, even if the things I like are either weird or just this one guy, this part got too long, I don't know why but this mf keeps throwing really good seeds to beat a speedrun, yeah I should stop now, if you read this you win something I don't know what but you won! ☺

5000 characters remaining, too much text LOL




Thanks for the kind words, Hachi! Wishing you the best! <3

Wish you the best too Stepford, you will always have my support! <3

Oh wow! That's so awesome (⁠☞⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠ ⁠☞